• Madison (RYT-200) has been teaching yoga for the past 5 years and recently started teaching at Shri since completing our 80-hour yoga outreach teacher training. Madison is passionate about the healing effects yoga can have on the body and mind, and she’s passionate about sharing those benefits with others because she believes movement is medicine, and learning how to use the breath and mindfulness can help relieve everyday stress. Yoga, Madison says, has taught and given her so much over the years, and that’s one of the reasons why she’s now motivated to create safe spaces for others to be able to receive whatever healing and teachings the practice may have in store for them too.

    Why I Teach at Shri: “Because yoga (and all its benefits) should be accessible to everyone who has a body and wants to try it.”

  • Robin (E-RYT 200 & Shri 80) is Shri’s teacher’s advocate and adaptive project leader.

    Robin first came to Shri in 2013 as a student and after assisting with Shri's Adaptive Yoga Project for several months, Robin’s connection with the students inspired her to complete Shri’s Teacher Trainings. Robin teaches many groups within both the Adaptive and Seniors’ Projects, and she enjoys serving as a teacher’s sub across all of Shri’s projects, learning and integrating new teaching techniques from each class. In her role as Shri’s Teacher’s Advocate, Robin serves as a mentor to her fellow Shri teachers, supporting them on and off the mat with their classes. Robin also assists with Shri’s 80-hour “Path of Service” Yoga Outreach Teacher Training, guiding trainees from the start to their placement as a certified Shri teacher. Robin’s yoga classes are lively and fun with a balance of calmness and relaxation. Modifications are incorporated in all of Robin’s classes, making yoga accessible to students of all levels.

    Why I Teach at Shri: “Why I teach at Shri is because of its dedication to the mission of making yoga accessible for every person, every body. Shri’s outreach classes challenge me as a teacher because yoga poses are adapted for many age groups or special populations. The mind, body, spirit elements of yoga are always present in each class and may not be what you might expect. Shri gives me the opportunity to share my love of yoga and its positive effects with men, women & children who might not otherwise be able to participate in a traditional yoga class. As the Teacher’s Advocate I am able to share my experiences with my fellow teachers which further spreads the benefits of practicing yoga and develops more community.”

  • Crystal (RYT-200) has been passionate about yoga practice for 22 years.

    In 2010, Crystal became a certified instructor through Tom Gillette and Shannah Green. In 2011, Crystal felt compelled to join the passionate mission of the SHRI team and completed the fun and inspirational Path of Service Yoga Teacher Training thereafter. Teaching on the Shri Recovery Team, Crystal has taught yoga at Eleanor Slater Hospital for ten years and has taught an Open class in the studio since the beginning. Having always been interested in psychology, Crystal is drawn to studying the Subtle Body and exploring positive shifts in energy.

    Why I Teach at Shri: Because I support the mission and I am reciprocally supported; I respect and honor the genuinely kind and caring Shri Team and the energy that Shri attracts; I am inspired by Alison and in awe of the transformation she instills on all levels.

  • Lisa (80hr SHRI) has been teaching adaptive yoga for 5 years. Bringing Shri yoga into daily practice as an occupational therapy assistant has had so many positive impacts on students with a wide range of abilities. The ritual, routine, and rhythmic movement incorporated into the SHRI chant has been so powerful and fun to not only share with students but also my colleagues. Lisa is passionate about sharing her practice with others that might not have had the opportunity to engage in a yoga practice without SHRI.

    Why I Teach at Shri: “Because I love motivating others to move their bodies, calm their minds, and embrace all the wonderful benefits that yoga can offer.”

  • In her classes, Kate wants you to feel supported, honored, respected, and inspired, as she has felt with the teachers she follows. A visual and kinesthetic learner, movement has always been a learning lab for her. An explorer of the inner-verse with a felt sense of inter-connection since childhood made yoga a natural draw over 25 years ago.

    Kate received her first teaching certification (vinyasa) in 2004 at Eyes of the World from Tom Gillette (many bows, many thanks). She has gone on to receive certifications from the School of Phoenix Rising as a trauma-informed yoga teacher and yoga therapist. She also is an Ayurvedic counselor through the American Institute of Vedic Studies. Kate has worked in the mental health sphere and in community development for over 30 years. It’s this experience that first inspired her to become a yoga teacher.

    Kate lives in Bristol with her sculptor husband who, happily, is her best friend. On the weekends they usually can be found in the forest, running and hiking amidst the wonders of nature.

    Why I Teach at Shri: It is the vision and mission of service, delivered with heart and skill, that brought me here before the doors of the first Shri location opened. It is the the way this mission meshes with my own. All this and the community of teachers, students, and partners, keeps me here.

  • In 2017 Denise completed her outreach teacher training with Shri Yoga. Denise has been teaching Adaptive Yoga for seven wonderful years. While teaching this community Denise searched for others ways to improve her teaching skills thereby receiving a certificate from Brain Longevity in June of 2021 and Kids Mindfulness Yoga with Kumarah in 2023.

    In 2023, Denise received the Shri Spotlight Award!

    Why I Teach at Shri: “Because Yoga is a life journey with an opportunity to deepen the capacity for self understanding and for sharing these gifts. The individuals whom I’ve met along this path have given me the ability to learn from them and to be a better person.”

  • Angela is an educator by nature, as a former middle school educator who recently started teaching at Shri since completing our 80-hour yoga outreach teacher training.

    Angela is a passionate advocate for mental health, access and wellness, with a background in education spanning nearly a decade. Since 2018, she has immersed herself in the practices of yoga meditation and mindfulness as a means of self-healing and self-empowerment. Through her yoga journey she recognized the transformative impact these practices had on her own well-being and mental wellness.

    Angela was inspired by her self-practice and decided to introduce these modalities into her own middle school classrooms. She pioneered the yoga club and mindfulness elective program at her former junior high-school because she saw a deep need for mindfulness in the classrooms. Angela consistently over a span of six years received positive feedback from her students about the beneficial changes they began to experience with their mental and social emotional well-being.

    Motivated by a desire to reach a broader audience, Angela transitioned from being a former middle school English teacher to becoming a yoga and mindfulness instructor at Shri. Her ultimate goal is to empower and train educators to become mindful educators and teach them how to integrate these healing practices into their classrooms, with the intention of empowering them to support their students' mental and emotional growth effectively.

    Why I Teach at Shri: “Because as an educator yoga has always been my center and safe space; communities of all abilities, diversity, economic statuses, and ages deserve access to this healing modality.”

  • Damon first began his journey with Shri in 2012, attending adaptive yoga classes with his fellow artists from Flying Shuttles. After several years, Damon made the decision to become a certified yoga teacher and he enrolled in Shri’s 80 hr. teacher training so he could teach yoga to his peers. In 2017, with the support of his long-time staff person Nancy, Damon graduated from Shri’s teacher training Damon is an inspiration to both his teaching colleague and students.

    His classes are fun and well planned with creative community building activities . Damon encourages students to participate to the best of their abilities. Damon currently leads a weekly class for members of his social service agency and Flying Shuttle Art Studio.

    Why I Teach at Shri: "I love to help people, and I love doing yoga. It brings me joy to teach people who have all levels of disabilities."

  • Roberta ( RYT -200) has been practicing yoga for 50 years and teaching for 25, with the last 5 years at Shri. She considers her time at Shri teaching Seniors to be particularly fulfilling. In Fall 2024, she will complete her 300 hour Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga Certification.

    The benefits of yoga for better physical, mental and emotional health have made it increasingly popular as an anecdote for our current stressful lifestyle. Its insights can come from almost anywhere; ancient yoga philosophy, a ball of yarn, new scientific discoveries, a song, a flower or a new way of breathing. All this variety finds its way into creative class content that deepens student’s understanding of yoga and their lives.

    Roberta enjoys teaching Seniors for their wisdom, their laughter and their determination to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Why I Teach at Shri: Because Shri is home to continuous learning, creativity and supportive friendships. Because it handles administration, finances and marketing, teachers are free to focus on teaching. Things that seem impossible happen with regularity at Shri.

  • Pawtucket resident Robin Nyzio practiced yoga at home for years until she took an in-person class at her gym 2 years ago. In 2023, she became a 200 HR Yoga Teacher with a focus on teaching accessible yoga and in 2024 she completed Shri’s outreach training program too.

    Born with a minor birth defect that resulted in her first hip replacement in her 30s, Robin hopes to demonstrate that physical limitations aren’t a barrier to practicing yoga. When she’s not practicing yoga or working at the library, you can find her riding her bicycle, swimming laps, cooking, reading or gardening.

    Why I Teach at Shri: Making yoga accessible to so many people is inspiring and uplifting. All the teachers, students, Alison and everyone involved brings so much positive energy to the studio and the classes. Once you step inside the studio or sit in on an outreach class, it’s easy to understand how important this work is for the community!

  • I was introduced to yoga in 2010. I quickly saw the value it brought into my life. I started attending and assisting weekly classes at the social service agency I was and still am associated with. In 2022, I was hired to share adaptive yoga classes with those supported by this agency. Wanting to dive deeper, I found yoga classes at a local library with an amazing Shri teacher. This led me to advancing my yoga journey by completing the Shri Teacher Training course in 2024. I am now a certified Shri yoga instructor and lead yoga classes for my peers at Shri. Being able to support and guide others to relax and find their center brings me a great deal of satisfaction.  Yoga has help me out and for that I am grateful to be able to teach anyone.

    Why I Teach at Shri: I teach at Shri because it's my passion to doing something you enjoy a lot and seeing people that want to come relax and feel centered makes it worthwhile class after class. I am very happy to be a part of the amazing Shri community!

  • Toba recently started teaching a dance/movement/exercise class at Shri for adults with disabilities in the healing arts program. Toba uses music that is familiar to all participants. High School Musical is a big hit!

    Toba has been teaching these dance classes for this population for the past 15 years and loves being in such a beautiful and supportive space.

    The energy of folks in the classes, as we dance and sing to the music is awesome.

  • Maria received her education and certification in sound healing from The Center of Light Institute, in Vermont. She is a multi-instrumentalist and singer/songwriter with 30 years of experience creating healing and meditative soundscapes, to bring balance to the mind,body and spirit.

    With monthly offerings at Shri, Maria uses the highest quality healing instruments with one of a kind alchemy sound bowls and other various elements including intuitive, ethereal vocals as a portal of healing to inspire a gentle transformation through vibration and frequency.

    Why I teach at Shri: There is a beautiful energy of love of love and community at Shri as soon as you walk through the doors. Creativity, nurturing, design, the music, and the people. At Shri you are family no matter who you are, and you are offered a respite of love while being lifted to reach your greatest potential. 💖

  • Catherine (Cate) Brennan completed her 200 hr yoga teacher training with Coral Brown at Island Heron Yoga in her hometown of Jamestown RI. Cate has been practicing yoga for over 10 years and firmly believes in yoga as a tool to help us connect to our body’s inner wisdom. Professionally, Cate is a Registered Dietitian and works with both the pediatric population and in the field of eating disorders. She imagines a world where everyone can find peace and trust within their body and mind.

    Why I teach at Shri: Because yoga is meant to be shared with all people.

  • Deb first became acquainted with Shri 12 years ago when was a teacher for the Pawtucket School Department transition program.  After reaching out to Shri Studio which was walking distance from school, my students began participating in the adaptive yoga program where I saw firsthand the calming effects and focus yoga had on them.  That was my first experience with yoga.  After that I became very passionate about the benefits of yoga for my students and myself. In 2022, I retired from the school department and completed Shri’s 80-hour outreach training that Spring.  I currently teach adaptive yoga classes and a seniors’ class at a local nursing home.either walk or utilize the RIPTA for our weekly yoga class. This was my first experience with Yoga. I felt very passionate about the benefits yoga was having for my students and myself. They would express that yoga helped them to relax and focus.

    Why I teach at Shri: Because I totally agree with SHRI’S philosophy of inclusivity, which enables us to serve a variety of outreach groups.

  • In addition to having 13 years of experience as an educator, Cole (he/him) is a wellness champion. He's a Creator for Peace Love, an expressive arts program focused on mental well-being, where he facilitates art workshops. Cole is also a certified Laughter Yoga Leader, fostering joy and connection through laughter exercises.  Because of Cole’s passion about making yoga accessible and fun for everyone, he completed Shri Yoga’s 80-hr. training in 2024.  Cole brings a welcoming and inclusive approach to all his classes. For Cole, yoga is a journey to holistic well-being. He believes in the power of community to support both physical and mental health.

    Why I Teach at Shri: Shri gives me the opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of others through movement and community.

  • My background is working as a clinical social worker for the past 40 years. I am and have been a supporter of Shri’s mission for almost as long. I have found yoga to be a salve to soothe the mind and body, and a source of great healing. Wanting to explore this more, in 2022, I completed Shri’s 80-hr. outreach training and began teaching students how to use yoga as a tool to decrease anxiety and stress. Shri’s mission is powerful. Now, I get to be a part of that.

    Why I Teach at Shri: I am honored to be a part of this incredible organization because now I am able to bring yoga to people in places where yoga is not usually an option.

  • Growing up in Tiverton, RI, Carlin has always been very involved in music throughout his education. He played oboe in the Rhode Island Youth Philharmonic and at Providence College. He also played tenor and baritone saxophone. Carlin decided to leave the woodwinds behind due to restrictive breathing methods, however many years later he experienced his first sound bath in Joshua Tree at the Integratron. The therapeutic nature of the sound bath gave him colorful visuals and felt like a massage, reigniting his love for music and all of its healing properties.

    In 2022, he began his work in learning sound therapy under Sara Auster based in Brooklyn, New York. Her work is focused on experimentation of sound and its healing qualities while bringing these experiences to the general public. Here he learned about a wide variety of healing sound instruments and their uses.

    During the day, Carlin works as a special education administrator for schools in Fall River, MA.

  • Ellen has been an enthusiastic practitioner and student of yoga for over 20 years. She has been teaching yoga for the last three years and she is thrilled to be uniting her passion for yoga with her passion for inclusion as a teacher at Shri Yoga. After moving to Rhode Island in 2021, Ellen was in search of her yoga community. As soon as she came across the 80 hour Shri Yoga Outreach Teacher Training, she knew she had found it.

    Yoga is a practice that supports our physical and mental well being, and these practices can and should be made accessible to all. In addition to being a 200-hour certified yoga teacher, Ellen has recently completed her Accessible Yoga teacher training where she learned about the many ways the physical and mental practice of yoga can be adapted to meet each student exactly where they are.

    At Ellen’s classes you can expect a centering moment to start, some warm up stretching and core awakening, followed by strength building standing poses and a quiet close. Ellen makes use of quiet instrumental music in her classes. 

    Why I teach at Shri: I teach at Shri because I want to support a yoga community that includes everyone. 

  • Debbie has been practicing yoga for over 30 years.  After having served as a volunteer assisting student check-in, she decided to attend and graduated from Shri’s 80-hr. Teach Training in Spring of 2024.  Debbie now teaches classes in Shri’s adaptive and senior projects.  She’s a passionate gardener, world traveler and optimist.

    Why I teach at Shri:  I’m truly inspired by the mission of yoga outreach and the supportive Shri community where creativity and positive energy are generated and shared.  My students motivate me and sharing yoga with them is a joy/privilege.  

  • Emily has had a love for art her whole life. She has a keen eye for detail, and a big mind full of ideas. Art, including drawing, mixed media, and videography, has always been an outlet for her. Emily’s main passion is to help others, and in her art class at Flying Shuttles Studio, she aims to make everyone feel appreciated and valued. She believes that creativity is in everyone, and learning how to tap into that creative side is a beautiful way of connecting with the world, as well as connecting with oneself. She loves to encourage others to undoubtedly shine their own light. She hopes her students at Shri will feel a heightened sense of confidence in their expression and individuality from trying the different mediums of art forms taught in her class.

    Why I Teach at Shri: I teach at Shri because the environment and community are accepting of everyone, and spread immense care and support into bettering our well-beings. 

  • Joanne joined Shri in May 2022 after completing Shri’s Path of Service Yoga Teacher Training with Alison. She is a pediatric OT with 30+ years of experience working in the public schools, is a certified personal trainer and youth exercise specialist.  She has dabbled in yoga for years and has always blended yoga and mindfulness practices into her OT and personal training sessions. Her belief is that yoga and mindfulness stimulates growth from the inside out, making it a powerful tool to improve overall health and well-being. 

    Why I Teach at Shri: I teach at Shri because I love sharing the powerful benefits of yoga to others! I feel blessed to serve such a diverse group of amazing students!

  • First of all, I am an old and happily married man with three children and eight grandchildren. I am nobody’s yogi; I cannot tell a chakra from a shark. I do have two practices which have helped me immensely in life.  I attended my first session of Laughter Yoga around the new Millennium and became a certified leader in the practice as taught by Dr. Madan and Maduri Kataria in May of 2014. This has been a perfect complement to my practice of Knowledge: Knowledge gives me insight into the absurd and illusory nature of what passes for reality, and Laughter Yoga has given me new tools to throw back my mead and laugh and help others do the same. As my grandfather used to say, “You might as well be happy—it doesn’t cost any more.

    Why I Teach at Shri:  As to Shri, what a welcoming, uplifting place. Who would not want to be associated with such a caring beautiful place?

  • Liz has been practicing yoga since the year 2000 and has been teaching for the past eight years or so after completing Shri’s training in 2018.  Teaching for Shri naturally complimented Liz’s day job.  Liz's current classes are with youth working on mental health and encouraging yoga as a multifaceted coping skill.  Personally, Liz enjoys yoga both a hobby and a lifestyle, doing her best to maintain mindfulness both on and off the mat. 

    Why I Teach at Shri:  Because yoga is one of the most enjoyable pathways to better health. 

  • Nicole has been practicing yoga for 17 years.  After hearing about Shri, Nicole was so inspired she attended and recently graduated from Shri’s 80-hr. Teacher training in the Spring of 2024.  After that, she immediately began teaching in Shri’s adaptive, school and seniors’ projects.  Nicole is upbeat and energetic.  She brings this positive energy to her teaching.  Seeing the students thrive and connect to their bodies and self is why she is so passionate.  

    Why I Teach at Shri: I teach at Shri because Shri believes in and supports of one another and sees the importance of community building through the practice of yoga.

  • Susan began practicing yoga in 2000 while training for a sixty-mile fundraising walk. A lifelong cyclist and exercise fan, she quickly appreciated the balance that yoga brought to her fitness life. In 2012 she graduated from Kripalu’s 200-hour yoga teacher training program and began teaching in local studios as well as offering private instruction. A move to RI (Susan’s home state) brought her to Coral Brown’s 500-hour teacher training at All That Matters which she completed in March 2017. Susan also completed Shri’s 60-hour Path of Service Yoga Outreach Teacher Training in April 2017.  Susan and her husband John enjoy their three grown children and three grandsons. Susan’s favorite past times include knitting, reading and spending time on the water.

    Why I Teach at Shri: I enjoy teaching for Shri because it gives me the opportunity to share my love of yoga with populations who might not otherwise be given the chance to practice. I like seeing community build in classes as the students practice together and learn from each other.

  • Bethany (RYT-500, Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist) has been teaching yoga for 8 years. She brings her professional background in education and special services to her yoga teaching practice. Bethany is passionate about the overlap of education and public health. She believes movement and mindfulness are profoundly positive contributors to personal wellness. Bethany teaches school-based, adaptive and hospital-based classes for Shri. Most recently, she has expanded her academic pursuits in public health study and research as a graduate student of Brown University.

    Why I teach at Shri: I honor Shri’s brilliant commitment to serve through karma yoga.  

  • Although Kerry has only been with the Shri team since the beginning of 2024, she has been teaching since 2019 and been practicing since 2001. Her curiosity for yoga was initially peaked when she was positively impacted by a Kundalini class. She became interested in a variety of yoga styles and eventually landed in a Power Vinyasa class. During a committed 8 year practice with senior teachers, she decided to deepen her studies by completing Baron Baptiste’s Art of Assisting Training and Baptiste Level One Yoga Teacher Training. Following her love for the practice and learning, she became a Registered Yoga Teacher in 2013 after completing a heartfelt 200-hour Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training facilitated by Cathy Cesario & Spirit Tree Yoga. 

    Kerry enjoys teaching strong and steady slow-paced classes which focus on building strength and releasing tension with the intention of calming your nervous system, quieting your mind and uplifting your spirit. Her classes give special attention to mindfulness, breath awareness and safe body alignment.

    Kerry offers private Holistic Therapeutic Coaching sessions, which blend consciousness, embodiment and coaching practices to support you in personal freedom, intimacy and authenticity. 

    Why I Teach at Shri: I strongly align with the values of support, honor, respect and inspire (SHRI) and consistently see these values being modeled throughout the SHRI team and fostered within the student community. I am proud to be part of a community who is truly dedicated to uplifting on another and sharing the healing benefits of yoga.

  • Lauren joined the Shri teaching staff in 2013 after completing the Path of Service Yoga Teach Training with Alison and Cathy Cesario, Director of Spirit Tree Yoga. A registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance (RYT-200), Lauren teaches at the Bradley Hospital and in other outreach programs where she shares her deep passion for yoga with her students. Lauren also assists with fundraising activities. Her trainings and practice at All That Matters and Kripalu over the past 20 years has led her on a path to inspire others and shine the light of yoga into the community!

    Why I Teach at Shri:  I am inspired to teach at Shri to support and honor students in need. My journey in the path of service is dedicated to my Nephew who is on the autism spectrum, and my Mom who has been teaching yoga for over 30 years. Shri is a caring community, and my heart is full when I am able to reach out and make a difference through the practice of yoga.

  • Wendy first experienced the transformative power of yoga after joining her Mom on a yoga mat in their living room when she was 15 years old. She loved how yoga helped her to slow down, to connect with her body and to find her true center, her authentic self. Wendy completed Shri’s 80-hr. yoga outreach teacher training in 2019 and in 2022, she competed Coral Brown’s 200-hr. integrative vinyasa teacher training, Wendy teaches yoga to kids and adults in special-needs populations and to the general public. She has worked as a pediatric physical therapist in a public school system for the past 21 years, and believes that everyone, regardless of ability, deserves the opportunity to experience the healing practice of yoga and mindfulness.

    Why I Teach at Shri: Because Shri allows me to serve the community by sharing the gift of yoga with others through low-cost, accessible yoga classes.

  • Alexandra has been an educator for many years and has always been drawn to the practice of karma yoga and the act of putting others before yourself.  Having been a Shri supporter for many years, in 2024 Alexandra decided to attend Shri’s 80 hr. teacher training. The Shri training has helped her to teach students to be confident, curious, and accepting individuals who want to put their community first and help people around them.  She loves providing students with the skills that can be applied to all facets of their lives, both inside and outside of the classroom.

    WHY I TEACH AT SHRI:  I teach at Shri because it combines two of my passions: a love for teaching students with exercising through moving your body.

  • I am a community school resource coordinator who works to bring in programs and partnerships to help meet the needs of our students and families. Shri was the first partnership I established 7 years ago, and our students have benefitted from the self regulation and calming strategies they have learned from Shri teachers each year since. Fast forward to this year, and I am now a Shri outreach teacher. I am so excited to start this journey and bring monthly yoga events to our students and families. I have been married to my husband Jim for 23 years and we have two sons, Nathan & Cameron, who are away at college in DC and Pittsburgh! 

    Why I Teach at Shri:  I believe in their mission of outreach and service.  I love being a part of this community of practice!

  • Wendy is a 500 hr yoga teacher and an Occupational Therapist. She completed her 200 hr yoga training in Kundalini Yoga in 2002, her 500 hr training from Kripalu in 2008 and her Ananda Meditation Training in 2014, Ananda Yoga Bridge training in 2015 and the Shri Yoga Teacher Training in 2024. She has also been a teacher assistant at Kripalu Yoga & Wellness Center.  As an OT, she ensures proper alignment for safety and increased body awareness and to maximize the benefits of each pose. She is also a Reiki Master / Teacher and encourages awareness of the subtle energy inherent in each pose.

    Wendy believes in the power of yoga and meditation to transform all areas of one’s life. She uses the soothing energy of her voice to encourage relaxation into each pose to build depth in one’s practice. She encourages awareness of breath and the practice of pranayama to work with the mind as the breath and the mind are intimately connected.

    Why I teach at Shri:  I love teaching for Shri & helping clients learn coping skills to deal with the difficult challenge of substance use.  Working with Shri has been a wonderful experience because I am able to share my love of yoga with a variety of student populations.  

  • Wendy is a certified yoga teacher (EYT 500+) with over forty years of personal yoga practice combining the styles of Hatha, Vinyasa, and Kundalini.  She understands the supportive nature of yoga and holds a welcoming space for students at all levels to explore mindfulness, breath work, movement, and individual development.

    Wendy completed Shri’s teacher training in 2019 and immediately began leading classes in Shri’s recovery and hospital projects. She holds certifications of study from the Kripalu Center and ATM Integrative Vinyasa.

    She continues her education attending workshops at Menla, Omega, and beyond. Off the mat, Wendy is an internationally exhibiting visual artist and a Board Member of RI's Hera Gallery and Educational Foundation.

    Why I Teach at Shri:  "Teaching for Shri allows me to offer a yoga practice to diverse populations who may not otherwise have access."

  • Everett Hoag is a teaching artist at Shri. Dynamic and experienced, Everett is passionate about empowering young people through the arts.

    With a rich background in the arts, business, design, and education, "Mister E" brings a unique blend of creativity and expertise to his role at Shri.

    He has taught at prestigious institutions such as Brown University, Emerson College, Rhode Island School of Design, and Providence After School Alliance sharing his knowledge and skills with students of all ages.

    Why I Teach at Shri: "I'm passionate about sharing the transformative power of mindfulness and believe that Shri's approach aligns perfectly with my values. I've personally experienced the positive impact of art and design on my own life, and I'm eager to help others discover the same benefits. Shri Yoga's commitment to accessible, inclusive, and empowering practices resonates deeply with me. I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to a community that fosters growth, well-being, and a sense of connection."

Administrative & Support Team


  • Director of Operations, Shri Studio | Director of Development, Shri Service Corps & Partner Advocate

    Working at Shri combines two of Shannon’s passions – nonprofits and yoga. Her yoga journey started about fifteen years ago when she went to a free class at a local studio to try something new. Although it wasn’t love at first class, she kept going. She was intrigued by the physical aspect of the practice, and fascinated by her teachers’ patience, grace and utter happiness. She thought: "Why were these people so calm and happy? And, more importantly, why wasn’t I?" That’s what kept her going back - the desire for a better, more peaceful way to live. Yoga has taught Shannon not only body awareness and alignment, but how to go inward and reconnect with her true self, both on and off the mat. In this busy world, we don't often get the chance to slow down, notice and feel. There's so much to be gained in those quiet moments and they are what help us learn, grow and heal.

    In 2012, Shannon completed ​her​ 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Rolf Gates. She has continued her education with a Forrest Yoga Continuing Education Training, a Yin Yoga training, and Shri’s Path of Service Yoga training.

    Shannon has worked in the nonprofit sector since 2012 and has been volunteering for as long as she can remember. Doing work that she feels passionate about and makes an impact in the community is what drives her. She has worked at both national and local nonprofits doing grant and program management, fundraising and event planning.

  • Hi my names is Silvana. I am 62 and have been working with Shri for about 6 years now. I am married and a mom to 2 adult boys. My new love is my first grandchild Julia. I’m now retired but spent about 30 years working in finance for attorneys. As most of my Shri peeps know my passion is everything dogs(or any animal, really) I volunteer at my local shelter and foster dogs any time I can.

    Why I work at Shri: I work at Shri because I love Alison and all the Shri family and what they stand for. I am big on giving back. The bottom line is although I am not at 390 pine often, when I am I ALWAYS see students with big smiles on their faces. How wonderful to put a smile on someone’s face and perhaps make their day great

  • Founder & Executive Director

    In 2010, Alison Bologna, an award-winning journalist and E-RYT yoga teacher, founded Shri with a vision of creating a space where people from all walks of life could come together to practice yoga, foster healthier and more compassionate communities, and revitalize an area that had been economically struggling since the Industrial Revolution. 

    Since opening its doors in downtown Pawtucket, Shri has become a cornerstone of the district, drawing hundreds of students to its classes for special events and outreach programs.

    Inspired by the overwhelming response, Alison launched Shri Service Corps, a nonprofit arm of the organization, in 2012. Today, under Alison's leadership, Shri serves more than 8,500 students both in its studios and remotely in schools, shelters, hospitals, recovery centers, and youth clubs. Every Shri program is guided by a curriculum developed by Alison to support students both on and off the yoga mat, and Alison continues to run Shri’s outreach yoga teacher training annually to select group of aligned practitioners.

    A graduate of Harvard University in 2015 with a master's degree in English, Alison wrote her thesis on Henry David Thoreau, “America’s First Karma Yogi,” based upon her scholarly research on yoga’s roots in New England. Since then she has put “skill into action” by purchasing and then transforming 390 Pine Street into the destination it is today.

    In addition to teaching every Friday at the Hope Alzheimer’s Center, Alison runs pop-up workshops (Urban Bhakti Groove, her signature class!) and serves on the board of trustees for the Pawtucket Boys and Girls Club when not at Shri or NBC 10.

  • Facilities & Maintenance

    Pa joined Shri in the winter of 2024 to help keep the studio clean and sparkling for all our students. Pa is a dedicated member of the Fogarty Center Employment Team, and we love having her skills and leadership at Shri with her career coordinator, Kristin three days of every week!

  • Molly is a Providence-based digital creative. Her work with Shri Yoga as the Digital Marketing Manager includes brand updating, web design, email marketing, graphic design and more.

    Why I Work With Shri: I am driven by my love for yoga and the vibrant community it fosters. I help Shri expand its mission by elevating their online presence across multiple channels, ensuring that our digital efforts align with the heart of our practice and reach those who can benefit from it.

    View Molly’s Portfolio


    I've lived in Pawtucket's Quality Hill Historical District for close to 25 years, and I have the privilege of representing the Pawtucket Community as part of the Parks Commission and Tree Canopy Advisory Committee. I’m also an urban beekeeper.

    Since graduating from Shri’s Path of Service Yoga Outreach Teacher Training in 2021, I’ve been helping as the Shri Student Advocate.

    When I'm not volunteering or tending my two beehives,  I am a consultant for hospitals and their computer software systems.

    Why I Work at Shri: “ I love working with all of the great people who come to Shri for our amazing yoga classes and meaningful events.  Shri gives me a sense of purpose.  I show up because you show up.”